Cambodia’s digital media development progress highlighted


Cambodia is digitalising its media sector as the country is countering the fake news to secure the social panic, said Khieu Kanharith, Cambodian Minister of Information.

The Minister made the remarks while attending the 15th Conference of ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information (15th AMRI) hosted by Thailand on Mar. 12 via Videoconference.


Kanharith expressed his full support for the 15th AMRI’s theme “ASEAN: A Digital Community with Accessibility for All” as it is a timely and important endeavour of the ASEAN Ministers Responsible for Information to address such a most dire need of the ASEAN people in digital accessibility at all levels, especially under direness caused by COVID-19 pandemic.

At the time of widespread of COVID-19, the fake news emerged as the major challenges against the livelihood of our people disseminated through many social media platforms, he said, adding that in countering fake news, the Royal Government of Cambodia has been conducting several measures in order to secure the stability of our nation.


The Ministry of Information conducted series of national and international seminars, workshops and training courses for media officials and journalists from government and private media institutions in order to promote their knowledge on how to report the factual news for the publics and join hands to fight against fake news, he pointed out.


“In order to countering fake news as well as disinformation, and misinformation which are spreading widely and rapidly throughout online and social media, the Ministry of Information in cooperation with Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Post and Telecommunications had issued a jointed Prakas in midst 2018 on the management of webpages and social media operating on internet in Cambodia allowing interested ministry to take action diligently to prevent any social panic,” he said.


In cooperation with Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development (AIBD), the Ministry of Information of Cambodia had introduced a regional declaration namely “Angkor Anti-fake News Initiative” launched at the Asia Media Summit 2019 held in Siem Reap province with the participation of more than 600 media people around the globe.


The Ministry of Information has so far issued licenses for more than 1,610 media institutions and associations to operate in Cambodia which include 8 digital TV stations, 81 online TV channels, 7 OTT operators, 2 satellite TV and 588 websites as they are mostly related with digital broadcasting.

“The Royal Government of Cambodia allows the people to use and interact all kinds of social media such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, WeChat, WhatsApp, TikTok etc… without any barrier, but in conformity with the laws and regulations of Cambodia. At the meantime, the government’s officials, state and government’s institutions, and businesses are actively using social media, especially, Facebook to promote their respective missions, achievements, services and products to the publics,” underlined the Minister. Chea Vannak – AKP

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